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White Tie and Dagger

Andrew Tully

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White Tie and Dagger is the story of how foreign embassies spy on the U.S. and influence American opinion, policy and law. Diplomats are astute representatives of their countries, skilled in negotiating, masters of tact, and authorities about everything you would ever want to know about international relationships. Right? Yes, partly. Historically they had a less noted but equally important role -- as expert spies.

Andrew Tully draws on his decades as a Washington correspondent and columnist -- he was a Scripps Howard's White House correspondent under Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy -- to present this historical expose of the two sides of the world of diplomacy. As well as describing Embassy Row in the 60's, Andrew Tully includes U.S. diplomatic history, prominent people, an intriguing array of historical crises, and many fascinating facts about spies and the secrets of their craft.

A must read for history lovers interested in the inside story of Embassy Row.

White Tie and Dagger - cover

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